新規卸売取引 Wholesale

ご注意事項/Important Notes



Please make sure to include the name of your company/organisation, country, name of the contact person, email address, telephone number and your enquiry.
If you have set up a domain-specified reception or spam mail settings, please make sure to set up the “@p-vine.jp” address in advance so that it can be received.

Please refrain from reproducing or making secondary use of any part or all of the responses to customers.
Please note that it may take some time to reply or we may not be able to reply.

*は必須項目です。/required entry

    会社・団体名 / Company*

    国名 / Your Country*

    ご担当者名 / Your Name*

    メールアドレス / Your Email*

    電話番号 / Tel*

    お問い合わせ内容 / Inquiry*

    個人情報取り扱いについて/Privacy policy


    Please read our Privacy Policy before applying. If you are under 18 years of age, please obtain approval from your parents or a teacher before applying.
